“You should talk to Daryl.”
We've all had that moment where we're sitting across from a colleague or client, and they start talking about a gap or challenge in their business. "I wish I had a better solution in place to help us with ______ ." However you fill in that blank, we all want a resource that can lead us to trusted, vetted solutions.
For many of you, those conversations have been followed with, "You should talk to Daryl."
We receive those phone calls and emails every day. It's the cornerstone that we've built TMG Consulting on. When we launched the business, we wanted to meet our clients' finance and accounting needs as well as connecting people to vetted experts that can help support other areas of their business. Over the past few years, we've added HR and recruiting resources to our team, and at the same time we've grown our network of trusted partners.
Our ask for you today is simple. When you're in that conversation, and a colleague or client needs a resource, please send them our direction. We're here if TMG Consulting can help solve their problem or fill a gap. Or, if you know someone who needs a trusted and vetted resource in an area that TMG doesn't fill, we can guarantee we know someone who can.
Thank you for trusting TMG Consulting and sharing us within your networks. We're here to serve and ready to help guide you and the individuals you send our way to the solutions you need.